This is a term that applies to auto policies. Liability limits for auto policies are either split limits or combined single limit. A split limit is expressed in the following format Bodily Injury Per Person/ Bodily Injury Per Accident/ Property Damage. For example 25/50/10 would be 25,000 per person, 50,000 per accident and 10,000 property damage limits. With a CSL policy the limit of coverage is simply a maximum that would be paid in any proportion. For example with a 50,000 CSL policy it could pay 40,000 for bodily injury and 10,000 property damage. Or, 40,000 property damage and 10,000 bodily injury. Whatever the combination of bodily injury and property damage caused, the policy would pay up to the CSL limit. Uninsured Motorist limits follow the same pattern.